NYC x MOMA | 2016

August 2, 2016

I had landed in New York with just 6 hours and I did not let it go to waste!
I took the train to downtown New York, met with a friend, and enjoyed a most pleasant visit at the MOMA.

On that day, though, I felt incredibly rushed and nervous that I would not make it back to work on time but I am so grateful that I made the risk.

I guess life is often like that at times.
We might not realize what a great memory a huge leap will give us much later in the future..
there is the mantra “will this matter in 10 years?” when we sweat about the small stuff
but in this case, it was a case of “this will be totally be worth it in 10 years” and I realize now that I’m grateful for many of the little investments I made for myself in the past and I shall continue to see what I can do for my future self