
we brought her home from the SPCA in 2018 and she’s been blessing our lives since 🧡 that summer, SPCA was offering free adoption because moving season in Montreal leaves countless animals abandoned.. it’s heartbreaking but I would not have met my cat otherwise

she hates other cats and, frankly, I think she takes herself for a human!

she climbs on your chest so you hold her up like a baby and she weirdly loves belly rubs as mentioned in another post

my heart is full of love for her and I can’t wait to see her when I get home 🙂

good morning

this was my morning of November 7, 2021

Vicky loves using people as her pillow and often stretches out a paw towards you 🙂

She get jealous easily so if you are talking on the phone, talking with a guest, or paying attention to your computer, you can be sure she will start meowing or sit on your laptop.

oh and she absolutely loves belly rubs so yes please to belly rubs and head scratches
